The lives of two individuals were cut short as a result of a recent vehicle accident in Georgia. The car accident occurred on a late Monday night. It happened when a vehicle crashed into a gas station sign.
According to police, a man, 18, was operating a car, when he suddenly lost control of the vehicle. He reportedly ended up crashing into the sign at a BP fueling station nearby. His vehicle then landed atop a fire hydrant at about 9:40 p.m.
The driver ended up passing away from his injuries at about 2 a.m. the next morning while at a local hospital. Meanwhile, his 14-year-old front passenger passed away at the accident scene. Two other teenagers, ages 15 and 16, had been riding in the car’s back seat but suffered no injuries. Authorities said that speed was a causal factor in the fatal collision.
The surviving family members of the front-seat passenger who lost his life in the car accident may choose to file a wrongful death claim, pursing the reimbursement of monetary damages. A damage award in a successfully litigated civil suit may help to cover the boy’s funeral costs and other losses associated with the crash. Even though the driver of the car also died in the collision, a lawsuit may be filed against his estate and also against any other person who had an ownership interest in the vehicle he was operating at the time of the wreck. Competent proof of negligence — such as speeding — is necessary to establish liability in these types of civil cases in Georgia.
Source:, “Two teenagers killed in Milledgeville wreck”, Ashley Trawick, Oct. 4, 2016