Georgia’s most dangerous roads are in the Atlanta-metro area, but the northwestern part of the state has its share, too. With the presence of U.S. Interstate 75 (I-75), northwest Georgia is an area that experiences plenty of traffic. But this also means the area has its share of motor vehicle accidents, some of which are deadly.
In reviewing traffic accidents statistics from 2018 to 2020, personal finance website MoneyGeek found that the counties with the most fatal accidents in Northwest Georgia were Bartow, Paulding, Floyd, Whitfield, Haralson and Gordon. Three of those counties – Bartow, Whitfield and Gordon – had their most fatal accidents on I-75.
Drunk driving, speeding and distracted driving
In coming up with its list of Georgia’s most dangerous roads, MoneyGeek reviewed more than 4,300 fatal crashes that took place in state between 2018 and 2020. The website produced its findings after analyzing statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
During that three-year period, the usual suspects were factors in deadly crashes. Drunk driving led to 20% of the fatal crashes, speeding at 19% and distracted driving with 4%.
Atlanta area accounts for this trio of hazardous roads
MoneyGeek determined that the most dangerous road in Georgia was Moreland Avenue (State Route 42) from South River Industrial Boulevard Southeast to Wylie Street Southeast. This stretch in the Decatur/Atlanta area accounted for 12 fatal accidents leading to 13 fatalities.
The second most dangerous was in Decatur along U.S. Interstate 20 (I-20) from exit 71 to exit 65. This road accounted for 11 fatal accidents and the same number of fatalities. The third most dangerous was The Perimeter (U.S. Interstate 285) from Route 6 Interchange to the Riverdale Road exit. The stretch by East Point and College Park accounted for 11 fatal accidents leading to 11 fatalities.
Northwest Georgia counties with most fatal accidents
In Northwest Georgia, here the counties that reported the most fatal accidents from 2018 to 2020 and their roads that had the highest number of deadly accidents:
- Bartow: 69 fatal accidents (11 on I-75)
- Paulding: 54 fatal accidents (four on State Route 61)
- Floyd: 48 fatal accidents (four on State Route 20)
- Whitfield: 40 fatal accidents (nine on I-75)
- Haralson: 32 fatal accidents (five on State Route 120)
- Gordon: 26 fatal accidents (five on I-75)
- Walker: 25 fatal accidents (four on State Route 193)
Sadly, fatal accidents occur, and many factors contribute to them. Like other parts of the state and country, Northwest Georgia is not immune from them.
Stay alert to drivers who break the law
Whether poorly designed or frequented by reckless drivers, dangerous roads exist throughout Georgia. Please stay alert to any road hazard, which includes other drivers who may break the law.