If you are like a majority of people, you appreciate having some control over your future and the way your life goes. Granted, there will always be situations that are unexpected and require you to deviate, sometimes significantly, from your previously organized plans. However, being proactive about making goals and plans can help you maintain some control over your life. At McCamy Law Firm, we are experienced in helping families in Georgia to plan their estate in an efficient and reliable manner.
Estate planning allows you a place to disclose and clarify your wishes for the future. A well-thought-out plan will include many different aspects ranging from designating a power of attorney and naming an executor, to identifying beneficiaries and allocating your assets. When you take adequate time and begin planning long before you anticipate needing to use your plan, you can be more confident in your ability to control your future without the unwanted interference from legal entities after your death.
According to Pure Financial Advisors, INC., an estate plan has significant power to help you provide protection to family members you care most about. Usually, this would be your spouse and any children you still have living at home. Another benefit is the ability to prevent future disputes from tearing your family apart because of confusion over what you may have wanted. You can make clear designations regarding who you wish to inherit which of your assets. You can also control details from possible life-changing scenarios such as if your spouse gets remarried after you pass away. You can make designations that allow you to keep your inheritance and assets within your blood family.
When you see the value of planning your estate and are proactive about putting a plan in place as soon as you are able, you can feel confident about your ability to maintain control over what is most important to you even after your death. For more information about estate planning, visit our web page.