Georgia car accident claims 21-year-old woman’s life

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2017 | Uncategorized |

A woman’s life was recently cut short in a motor vehicle crash that took place in Georgia. The car accident happened on a Monday evening. She was 21 years old.

According to police, a 21-year-old man was driving a car along a road and suddenly went off the road and hit a tree. When medical personnel arrived at the crash scene, they saw that the man was lying a few feet from the automobile. The 21-year-old woman was a passenger in the car and was still inside the motor vehicle when the medical personnel got there.

Authorities were able to remove the woman from the car, and both the man and the woman were taken to the hospital by helicopter. However, the woman ended up passing away. Police said they did not believe that alcohol and speed were causal factors in the accident. They continued to investigate the crash.

The loved ones of the woman may decide to file a lawsuit against the male driver, seeking the reimbursement of damages sustained. Liability has to be established before the civil court hearing the case, based upon a showing of negligence, before damage claims will be decided. A monetary award in a successfully fought claim may help with covering funeral costs and with addressing pain and suffering caused by the fatal Georgia car accident. It may also even help with covering the loss of income for surviving dependents. Although financial damages cannot undo the events leading to a fatal accident, they may help the deceased victim’s surviving family members to more easily move forward.

Source:, “Update: Passenger in car crash dies, one remains in hospital“, Clay Neely, Aug. 23, 2017