A deadly crash snuffed out the lives of four college students in Georgia recently. A fifth person was critically injured. The car accident happened along Georgia Highway 15. The individuals who lost their lives were all 19 or 20 years old.
The accident happened as five students were traveling back to their college campus in a car. The driver lost control of her vehicle, and the car rotated counter-clockwise. As a result, the car, which was going north, ended up in the lane going south and was struck by another vehicle.
The first driver is the only one who survived the crash in that car, and she was transported to the hospital; her condition was considered critical. The driver of the oncoming car, a 27-year-old woman, suffered a serious injury to one leg. The authorities recently ruled out speeding as a causal factor in the tragedy. At an earlier point in the police investigation, they ruled out the use of alcohol or drugs in the crash. Authorities continued to investigate the cause of the fatal collision.
If the driver who apparently lost control of her vehicle is found to have been negligent behind the wheel, she may face claims for financial responsibility in connection with the Georgia car accident. The surviving loved ones of the deceased victims may file wrongful death claims, while the other driver who was seriously injured might file a personal injury claim. If liability is established by appropriate evidence of negligence, the court will determine claims for financial damages.
Source: 11alive.com, “Speeding ruled out in deadly UGA crash”, Greg Rossino, May 2, 2016